In Arkham
Photography by Robert Coelho.
I have come to an understanding with K, perhaps with merely a type of understanding, but I also know that I can no longer limit his access to this site. The reason I have such feeling for this book, for what I have already read and internalized, and for what it has done to my dreams and to my own artistic vision, I owe all of this to K. The book was not given to me in Scotland. It went to another. And I now believe that the book is not at risk from K. As you will soon see, K is once again placing himself in uncertainty. From what inner strength does he do this? Or is it perhaps a weakness? One more question I cannot answer, yet.
I am thankful to my brother Dan for once again allowing me access, as well as editing privileges to, The Book of Sorren Website. It was wrong of me to imply that he acted out of greed, or malice against me, or that he was trying to wrest the book away from my possession, but I attribute these puerile and inappropriate sentiments to my state of mind brought on by my close association with the book, culminating with an almost obsessive paranoia. In truth, it was I that forced this book upon him after the effects began to affect me negatively. I have followed his work on this website with growing interest, and I can see that he is beginning to show signs of . . .infection, or perhaps the word contamination would be better to describe his slow immersion into the strange and puzzling powers of the book. The dream he has recently described in the Dreaming of Sorren section has brought back unpleasant memories of my possession and bondage to the book, but I believe that my brother Dan has attributes that I do not have, and it is my feeling that he will be able to take this journey without the peculiar . . .side effects manifested within myself.
At the moment I am engaged in trying to learn and separate the fact from the fiction surrounding the town of Arkham, as well as the voluminous folklore attached to this mysterious and unnatural place known as Arkham, Mass. In this place I will attempt to catalogue some of what I have been able to uncover, and I will supplement with field notes, my experience as I travel to Arkham at the invitation of The Professor.
Before his upcoming trip to Arkham, K has many questions and few answers, and what he does know of his trip only causes him greater apprehension.
K finally arrives in Arkham and meets The Professor.
K has further conversation with the Professor and asks about the purpose of the Creator.