99 leaves from the book of sorren
the third branch
The examination of The Book of Sorren continues in the third branch. These pages mark a significant departure from the first two branches in two ways. Firstly, these pages appear to have not been written by Sorren, but by another. Secondly, for reasons explained later, the original curator has passed his duties to another.
Curators note: Before I begin with my thoughts on the examination of The Book of Sorren, I believe it necessary to state a few things about not just myself, but about what has gone before. I am one of the main composers for the band Apolog. While I am not a professional musician and actually have much more pedestrian duties in the financial world, I nevertheless am highly interested in music and invest much emotional energy as well as time into this arcane hobby. My brother and I began this band many years ago and I have found it very rewarding to write songs and perform with him. On a vacation/scouting trip to Scotland my brother received this book and I can say unequivocally that he has not been the same ever since. My brother has always had his mind and his heart in stories, in nature and in the old world. While it seems very poetic to me that one of his temperament should receive this book, this project, I remain skeptical of the wiseness and the motives of the fates. The reason I am penning this summary is that my brother has decided to end his examination of the book which he was entrusted with. Recently, he appeared unannounced at my door and after a brief and incomplete discussion handed this task over to me. In the interests of full disclosure I too am of a sort which enjoys immensely these endeavors, and the opportunity to examine historical documents unseen by virtually all of humanity is in fact quite humbling. But I am also disturbed. Though I live a large distance from my brother, we are in frequent communication and I could not have failed to have noticed the significant effects which this duty provoked from him. I know how important this was to him and I am at a loss to understand how he could have abandoned this project. He has told me that he will continue his research by following a different branch, or a different tree. I find this a wholly unsatisfying answer. I wonder, will I too be moved to such a degree as to seek abandon? I cannot know that answer without first beginning, and this opportunity is too great to not accept some risk. I therefore begin. I turn the page.
- D